Why Use a Licensed Engineer


Professional Engineer & Home Inspector Comparison
  Professional Engineer(PE) Home Inspector
Absolute minimum time to obtain a license in each category.

8 years

-Bachelor’s in Engineering

-4 years of related work experience 

140 hours

-100 hours of class

-40 hours of related work experience 

Can perform Home Inspections 



Can perform engineering 



Can conduct structure Windstorm Inspections for New York Property Insurance Underwriters Association (NYPIUA) 



Can stamp off the needed documents for municipal approval on house extensions, decks, etc 



Can perform inspections for mortgage banks to survey a house structure after a home inspector cited potential structural defects "that should be evaluated by a PE". 





1. For the items shown above, Mortgage Banks, NYS Insurance company, and municipalities will accept an inspection from a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) but not that of a licensed Home Inspector.

The Home Buyer that knows, pick a PE.  

2. A doctor is qualified do everything a nurse can, however a nurse is not qualified to do everything a doctor can.  Same goes for PE and a Home Inspector.  Which would you choose if you need a check up?  Who would you choose to check up your potential house purchase?

The Home Buyer that knows, pick a PE.  


3. Below are several links from the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI), informing their inspectors how to report structural defects.  In the examples below NACHI recommends that the inspector report "the structure should be evaluated by a professional engineer".  Wow! That’s another inspection fee!

Example 1
Example 2

The Home Buyer that knows, pick a PE.


Long Island Home Inspection by a Professional Engineer P.E.